Citation - Boston Gazette: 1773.05.24

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Index Entry Defeat, The [t] [beg] O how I laugh when I a Blockhead see 
Location Boston 
24 May 1773:21, 22 (946)
Messirs Edes and Gill, As many of your country readers have
been out of the way of the theatrical amusements of the last
season, it may perhaps be some entertainment to them to see
a few extracts from The Defeat, a dramatic performance
lately exhibited.
  The author has thought proper to give as a prologue, the
following lines of a celebrated writer.
  O how I laugh when I a Blockhead see
  Thanking a villain for his probity, 
  Who stretches out a most respectful ear
  With snares for wood-cocks in his holy leer, 
  It tickles tho' my soul to hear the Cock's, 
  Sincere eccomium on his friend the fox, 
  Sole patron of his liberties and rights, 
  While graceless reynard listens -- till he bites.
. . . [Dramatis Persona, a soliloquy, and short dialogue
follow, all in verse, 

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1773.05.24 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0006407
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